Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nerve cell facts by plush microbes...

Facts: there are a lot of different kinds of nerve cells. Motor neurons shock our muscles into action. Motor neurons shock our muscles into action; sensory neurons in our eyes and ears are stimulated by light and sound, on our nose and tongue by chemicals for small and taste and on our skin by touch; and an untold number of other intereurons transmit impulses within the central nervous system and the brain. But they all work in a similar way.

When the dendrites on the dendric tree of the body of a nerve cell receive a a sufficiently strong signal, it irresistibly triggers an electrical impulse inside the cell that travels down the long thing axon ( which is protected by a fatty myelin sheath). When the impulse reaches the axon terminal at the base of the nerve, special signaling chemicals are released that float across the gap (or synapse) between one nerve cell and the next and process continues.

Most nerve cells are tiny. But some are as long as your leg, literally. They extend al the way from the base of the spine to the tips of your toes.But unlike most cells, nerve cells cannot reproduce- or if they get injured, loss of feeling and even paralysis can occur. (Abnormalities in the neurotransmitters or in the nerve cell itself can also lead to conditions such as Alzheimers disease, Parkinson's disease or MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ).

But don't get nervous; nerve cells are shockingly reliable. And if you are feeling jittery, it's probably the neurotransmitters that are to blame anyway. So wipe off your sweaty palms, take a deep breath , close your eyes and listen to some music, smell something sweet.... and relax. Your nerves will help you do it!

Recently someone asked why m.s. affected the nerves and caused pain. This is one of the best explanations and a great toy!

1 comment:

  1. NICE. I know we are all going to love and benefit from this blog. Thanks for getting it started. Thanks Keith for the thought of it.
